A lot has been written about The Specials over the years, some good some bad, so I'm not even going to attempt to tell their story. All I want to say is that this band was the first band that brought the pleasures of music to my life, and set me on the path to where I am now. I was just a bit too young to catch them live originally, but had everything they ever released, and did my best to look dapper in my 'Tonics' and 'Button Down', although my hair still went over my ears.
They played in my home town often, and indeed parts of Dance Craze where filmed at the Pavilion, which sadly now is no more, and they had split by the time I had come of age. I might sound like a sad old man with rose tinted glasses, but I do have fond memories of waiting for the latest 2-Tone release and then dashing off to buy it with my pocket money, then playing it to death when I got home.
This was also the days in which you had something called a 'B' side which would often be a song that was not available elsewhere, rather than the countless remixes you get now. I always had a liking for their version of 'Maggies Farm' (B side of 'Do Nothing'). Their songs for me have power and real presence with often a strong lyrical message or story, Friday Night, Saturday Morning (another B side) summed up many a night out. Best thing about The Specials though was it was rebellion to party to!!
The reunion tour is now in full swing and I was hoping to go and see them at Brixton, but as I didn't want to go on my own and wanted to share the experience with someone I waited while my mates made their minds up. Unfortunately when they did finally come round to the idea they had sold out! What a bunch of useless wa**ers!!
Well all that's left to be said is if you are lucky enough to be going or have been to one of their shows I hope.....
They played in my home town often, and indeed parts of Dance Craze where filmed at the Pavilion, which sadly now is no more, and they had split by the time I had come of age. I might sound like a sad old man with rose tinted glasses, but I do have fond memories of waiting for the latest 2-Tone release and then dashing off to buy it with my pocket money, then playing it to death when I got home.

The reunion tour is now in full swing and I was hoping to go and see them at Brixton, but as I didn't want to go on my own and wanted to share the experience with someone I waited while my mates made their minds up. Unfortunately when they did finally come round to the idea they had sold out! What a bunch of useless wa**ers!!
Well all that's left to be said is if you are lucky enough to be going or have been to one of their shows I hope.....
"All of you skinheads, rude boys, rude girls put your braces together and the boots on your feet and give it some of that old moon stomping!"
(any excuse really to add some of their tunes to the flash player...haha)

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