They have 200 copies of the new version of 'Skankin' Sausages' (their sparkling 2004 debut) up for grabs and here is the deal:
If they sell 200 CD's @ £8 (Sorry it’s via Paypal so they had to put the price up by a British Pound), that's £1400 towards the new album (after P+P), but I hear you say, what is in it for me??????
Well, you'll get a copy of Skankin' Sausages!

IS THAT IT!! You scream......................Well no they will also send you a copy, by post of the pre-released album within 2-3 weeks of it being finished being mixed and mastered for FREE!! (So a kinda 2-4-1 deal). It will be a special promo version too, so it will be unique!
The CD is due out later this year, and will feature all the names of the people who have supported them on it (please tell them if you don't want to included, maybe you're ashamed to like SKA...... RUBBISH !!
So if you are interested click on the link below and help a kebab in need

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